With Northwest Astrologer
There are many reasons why one has an astrology reading, which can range from a general curiosity about your natal chart and seeking to understand yourself better to wanting clarity on life direction or current situations that are difficult to sort out. Although general questions regarding career, relationships, money, health and family tend to be the most common; readings can be more specific and personalized to your life experience. Having questions are not a necessity to receiving a reading, but the space is open and any question asked is valid.
Prior to your appointment, valuable time is spent analyzing your chart. An in-depth look into several charts including both your birth (natal) and the current planetary transits are analyzed. During your reading, underlying energies guiding you as well as the major themes currently happening in your life are revealed and mapped out to show their progression in your life for a whole year starting from the date of the reading. This information is explained to you in accordance to what is happening in your present life.
Astrology readings are provided virtually and Northwest Astrologer only gives live readings due to the dynamic conversational nature of the reading. You are welcome to record or take notes during the session. Prior to scheduling your appointment, please have your birth data ready. This includes - date of birth, exact time of birth and city/state/country of birth. Please note - astrology readings are still valid if you are unable to know your exact time of birth.
1-HOUR ASTROLOGY READING: I spend valuable time analyzing your charts before the astrology appointment. Your reading will include an in depth look into your birth/natal chart as well as a look at how the planets are currently influencing your life as well as a look at the year ahead.
You will receive a copy of your natal chart as well as a recording of the session.
1-HOUR RELATIONSHIP SYNASTRY READING: This is a reading done with your partner where I compare your birth charts and analyze the synastry between your planets. This is helpful to see areas where you connect and support each other as well as how to overcome challenges that can come up. It is true that some couples charts are more compatible than others, but this relationship synastry reading is here to offer tips on how you can come together and work with the energies each of you bring to the relationship.
30 MINUTE ASTROLOGY READING: I look at your astrology charts and provide you with "in the moment" guidance and answer any questions you may have. Questions can range anywhere form learning more about your natal chart energies to gaining clarity on life situations or guidance with making decisions. I can also take a look at your transits and see the biggest areas of your life to focus your attention. This reading can be scheduled quickly if you're needing help in the moment.
30 MINUTE CHILD'S ASTROLOGY CHART READING: A valuable astrology session for parents where I look at your child's astrology chart and explain the planetary influences on their personality. You will learn how to foster their gifts and talents best and work with where their challenges may appear. These readings can open more perspective and understanding so you can support the inner workings of your child with fuller awareness.
1- hour readings: $200
30 minute readings: $75
Payment is due anytime before the scheduled reading
There are many reasons why one has an astrology reading, which can range from a general curiosity about your natal chart and seeking to understand yourself better to wanting clarity on life direction or current situations that are difficult to sort out. Although general questions regarding career, relationships, money, health and family tend to be the most common; readings can be more specific and personalized to your life experience. Having questions are not a necessity to receiving a reading, but the space is open and any question asked is valid.
Prior to your appointment, valuable time is spent analyzing your chart. An in-depth look into several charts including both your birth (natal) and the current planetary transits are analyzed. During your reading, underlying energies guiding you as well as the major themes currently happening in your life are revealed and mapped out to show their progression in your life for a whole year starting from the date of the reading. This information is explained to you in accordance to what is happening in your present life.
Astrology readings are provided virtually and Northwest Astrologer only gives live readings due to the dynamic conversational nature of the reading. You are welcome to record or take notes during the session. Prior to scheduling your appointment, please have your birth data ready. This includes - date of birth, exact time of birth and city/state/country of birth. Please note - astrology readings are still valid if you are unable to know your exact time of birth.
1-HOUR ASTROLOGY READING: I spend valuable time analyzing your charts before the astrology appointment. Your reading will include an in depth look into your birth/natal chart as well as a look at how the planets are currently influencing your life as well as a look at the year ahead.
You will receive a copy of your natal chart as well as a recording of the session.
1-HOUR RELATIONSHIP SYNASTRY READING: This is a reading done with your partner where I compare your birth charts and analyze the synastry between your planets. This is helpful to see areas where you connect and support each other as well as how to overcome challenges that can come up. It is true that some couples charts are more compatible than others, but this relationship synastry reading is here to offer tips on how you can come together and work with the energies each of you bring to the relationship.
30 MINUTE ASTROLOGY READING: I look at your astrology charts and provide you with "in the moment" guidance and answer any questions you may have. Questions can range anywhere form learning more about your natal chart energies to gaining clarity on life situations or guidance with making decisions. I can also take a look at your transits and see the biggest areas of your life to focus your attention. This reading can be scheduled quickly if you're needing help in the moment.
30 MINUTE CHILD'S ASTROLOGY CHART READING: A valuable astrology session for parents where I look at your child's astrology chart and explain the planetary influences on their personality. You will learn how to foster their gifts and talents best and work with where their challenges may appear. These readings can open more perspective and understanding so you can support the inner workings of your child with fuller awareness.
1- hour readings: $200
30 minute readings: $75
Payment is due anytime before the scheduled reading