Full Moon In Leo February 16th 8:56 AM, PST Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are in the opposite signs of each other. On the day of the Full Moon, as the Sun is setting in the West, the Moon (in all its full glory) is rising on the opposite side in the East at the exact same time. If you’re positioned to capture an open eastern and western horizon view on February 16th, it is such a beautiful moment - get outside at sunset and look in both directions! The Sun is currently in Aquarius and the zodiac sign opposite of Aquarius is Leo. Therefore on February 16th, our Full Moon will be in Leo. Leo is fiery, playful, expressive, loves attention, and taking center stage. Leo’s Full Moon can be a wonderful time to create some playful fun! It’s a great time to dance and share and let yourself and your loved ones cut loose and really let their hair down! Even if it comes midweek and has to be celebrated in the context of other weekly needs. Full Moons open us up emotionally and although Leo is not so much focused on emotions, it is expressive. Therefore, if you’ve been not expressing or releasing the difficult emotions you know are hovering in your being, you may find this moon gets you to “come out with it, already”. In addition, as playful and fiery as Leo is - it might be just the right Moon medicine needed to release the emotions, clear a layer or two or three, and open you to allowing you to feel the light of your being, as well. It’s like how we can feel really lifted after a good cry. Through this process and after a good emotional clearing, you can then get back to “playing” in the present time, like a Leo naturally does. If a Leo isn’t able to express and show themselves, and or shine in the center of the circle - then there can also be a sense of feeling depressed. If you’re feeling layers of depression in your life, I recommend creating some intentional processing time under this Leo Full Moon and asking yourself: Where I am not allowing myself to shine where I could be? Where am I holding myself back from being seen? Am I playing enough in my life? Am I enjoying the present moments of my life? - these could be deeply-pressing matters interfering with your ability to experience joy. Find ways to shift these patterns! Venus Conjunct Mars Strongest in February: 13 -27th Yes! Venus and Mars continue to join their forces in Capricorn and strongly tighten their conjunction the second half of February. Therefore, relationships will continue to be center of focus for the rest of the month. I wrote a big piece about this in the last blog. Click below to read more about what this energy means for you. Jupiter Sextile Uranus February 5th - February 29th Strongest 13 - 21st Jupiter brings opportunities for growth and expansion with an optimistic feeling that things are going to work out. Add this quality with Uranus’s energy of freedom from restriction and creating new pathways and you may find yourself approaching life from a renewed and freeing perspective. Perhaps the “impossibles” in your life are now seeming possible in the month of February. The Sextile between Jupiter and Uranus creates a positive and easy energy flow between the planets that can stimulate you to want to break through imposed restrictions (from self or others) and create new opportunities for expansion and growth in your life. There’s an optimistic, “I can do it!” feeling coming through this February, especially from the 13th through the 21st. Ask yourself: Where have you been feeling restricted in your life? Have there been barriers preventing you from moving forward with something? Where have you been stuck in old patterns or ruts and are in need of a fresh perspective? The answers to these questions can provide insights into the things that may finally have a chance to open up and move forward for you. It’s fun to acknowledge that this freedom from restriction arrives the strongest just before Valentine’s Day. If there’s a step forward in the evolution of a special relationship you have been exploring how to manifest, this time can bring an opportunity for a breakthrough. First Pluto Return for the United States February 22nd, 2022 February 22nd, 2022 is the date widely agreed-upon by astrologers for peak of the Pluto return cycle for the United States. However, since Pluto moves slowly, this energy has already been coming on strong since 2020 and will last until the end of 2023. It’s no quick process! This Pluto return is a time when the energies of which this country was birthed upon are coming back around to start a new cycle of rebirth. I wrote a special report on the Pluto Return energies, click the button below to read the full article Northwest Astrologer is here for you! With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based upon your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these wild and transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how 2022 is looking for you! Valentine's Day Special! Receive 20% off readings all month click below to learn more
Each year February brings movement from Winter towards Spring; this year’s February comes with a dynamic blend of planets supporting forward momentum. If January felt a bit wonky and unclear with both Mercury and Venus in retrograde, February may bring the change in tides you're looking for. The month begins with a New Moon in the visionary sign of Aquarius, as well as Venus just out of retrograde and Mercury following shortly after. Venus joins up with Mars in Capricorn most of the month, bringing relationships more into focus, which certainly aligns with Valentine’s Day energy. Jupiter and Uranus create a positive aspect with each other, stimulating you towards freeing yourself from overarching restrictions you’ve been feeling in your life. New Moon in Aquarius February 1st 12:47 AM, EST (January 31st, PST) New Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are both in the exact same sign and degree and create an all-night dark sky as the moon sets with the Sun. This darkness gives birth to the beginning of a new cycle of the moon, which occurs every 29.5 days. On February 1st, we will have a New Moon in Aquarius - sparking the birth of creative ideas and visions to manifest. Aquarius is known as the water-bearer and paradoxically is an Air sign. Those who were born under an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) connect with the world around them mostly through their mental body (mind). Aquarians can be seen as both humanitarians and geniuses of the zodiac. They seem to effortlessly download knowledge from the universe, as well as receive visions of how to make this world a better place. This puts them at the forefront of creating ideas that can, at first, seem too far-fetched. However wacky they may seem, these novel ideas often hold a vision that can bring progress in our evolution as humanity. Therefore, create some sacred New Moon time on Feb. 1st. Tune into what new “Aquarian” ideas are calling to you. What visions do you have for yourself that you’ve been holding back on? What new manifestations do you notice are wanting to open for you? - Meditate on and visualize how you see yourself bringing these manifestations to fruition in your life. Mars in Capricorn Sextile Jupiter in Pisces February 1st - 6th Mars is the planet that has you taking action, implementing the things you want to be doing. Jupiter adds levels of positivity, expansiveness, growth and a feeling of abundance. When Jupiter comes into the planetary picture, you can get a feeling that everything is just going to work out. There’s faith and hope in a positive outcome. When Mars and Jupiter come together in a Sextile aspect, they stimulate the energy to bring their best qualities (mentioned here) out in you. Therefore, this first week of February is great time to start getting into your 2022 goals and plans if it seemed hard to manifest these intentions in January. Mercury Goes Direct Moves out of Retrograde February 3rd Yay! Mercury rules our mental processing, communications, travel, electronics, computers, etc... There tends to be a number of schedule changes, communication challenges, tech SNAFU’s cancelations, breakdowns, and repairs during the Mercury retrograde period. On February 3rd, Mercury will be done retrograding for now and if you’ve had communication disruptions, schedule changes, and/or other surprises in the last 3 weeks, things should start to flow more clearly and smoothly. FYI - Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year for a 3 week period each time it goes retrograde. The next one will begin on May 10th - if you want to do some early planning! To learn more about Mercury retrograde and tips and what to do during this time, refer to my January astrology blog for more information. Mercury Shadow Period… When Mercury goes direct on February 3rd, it will be in what is called “being in its shadow” as it will be covering, again, the same heavenly real estate as it was prior to retrograde. This shadow time gives you a 3rd opportunity to visit and glean more understanding in regards to the same evolving life processes that were going on before and during retrograde. During this current shadow period, you may be having to re-visit things that were happening in your life from Dec 30th - Feb 3rd. Think back to this time - What were you working on? Who were you in communication with? What plans were you making that you are still processing? As Mercury goes direct on the 3rd, it will head forward again across this terrain giving you an opportunity to come to resolution and establish forward momentum on life’s mental and communications material you have been metabolizing. It is known in astrology to wait until this shadow period is over (after February 24th) to truly be clear on moving forward on anything that’s been occurring over the past 2 months before. I recommend waiting until after February 24th to make big life decisions, if you can wait. Otherwise, spend more time in the decision process and get others involved, if possible, to make sure you are seeing it all clearly. Venus in Post Retrograde Shadow Time January 29th - March 2nd Continuing on the topic of post-retrograde planets being in their shadow… Last month, on Jan 29th, Venus finally moved out of its 5-week retrograde period. We now have our Venus back in its full outward expressive fashion. Venus rules aspects of your life that include relationships, finances, business, social life, and creating beauty in your life. Please refer back to January’s astrology post to read all about how Venus Retrograde can affect these aspects of life. As mentioned in the Mercury section above and In general, anytime a planet gets out of retrograde and begins moving in a forward direction (called going Direct), it is also covering the same heavenly sky territory that it went retrograding (backward) over. It is slowly gaining momentum up to its normal speed and will eventually get back to the place it was before it went retrograde. Venus went retrograde on Dec 19th. This period right now, and until March 2nd, Venus will be in its shadow. While in shadow, allow more time for situations in your life that you’ve noticed were influenced by Venus retrograde to work themselves out. Are there situations around relationships that haven’t been clear? Are you wondering if you should make more of a commitment with a person you have been dating? What are your finances and budgeting looking like? Any big purchases you’ve been holding off on? Does this still seem like the thing you want to buy? Has the social life not been clear on how to gather? What have you been wanting to create to bring more beauty into your life? Ponder and see what you want to create as Venus moves through the Shadow period and perhaps full manifestation will be happening more towards the end of Feb and into March. Venus Conjunct Mars February 8th - February 29th Strongest on these February dates: 13, 15, 19, 22-23, 26-27 Venus and Mars are both in Capricorn this month. Since Venus is just getting out of retrograde and has a slow-moving forward momentum most of February, it is going to join up quite of few times with Mars this month, just in time for Valentine's Day! This is powerful for relationships as both Venus and Mars are the two planets we look to in the astrology chart to glean more information regarding relationships in your life. This creates an emphasis on relationships in February, especially on the dates listed above. Venus and Mars create a symbiotic relationship and delicate balance between concepts of giving and receiving, doing and being, initiating and cultivating the relationship you want and also allowing your relationship to come to you. Mars is the planet that puts energy towards something and Venus is the planet that allows the receiving of this energy. During the month of February, recognize where these Mars/Venus relationship concepts are landing in your being. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, these giving and receiving energies may come into focus and be emphasized February 8th - 29th. Do a self-exploration! Ask yourself - do you allow relationships to unfold in their own timing or do you force things? Do you feel courageous in making the first move or are you waiting and hoping for a person to come to you without any of your own actions? When they do come, do you play hard to get? Do you allow the flow of love to come into your life or do you feel a fear of losing yourself and your own independence if you do allow it? These are just some example questions… And, this month, utilize this Mars/Venus conjunction energy to explore what love in your life means to you and how you approach relationships. See what insights come up for you. Play with the ways you create your dance of giving and receiving in relationships . . . how do you initiate, allow, create space, move closer, bring warmth, receive warmth. Bring this awareness into your relationship life and create different patterns that will help you come more into balance when it comes to the art of being in relationships. Jupiter Sextile Uranus February 5th - February 29th Strongest 13 - 21st Jupiter brings opportunities for growth and expansion with an optimistic feeling that things are going to work out. Add this quality with Uranus’s energy of freedom from restriction and creating new pathways and you may find yourself approaching life from a renewed and freeing perspective. Perhaps the “impossibles” in your life are now seeming possible in the month of February. Allow this freedom and growth energy of Jupiter and Uranus in. As this energy will be strengthening later in the month, I will write more on this in the next blog, publishing in 2 weeks! Northwest Astrologer is here for you! With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based upon your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these wild and transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how 2022 is looking for you! Valentine's Day Special! Receive 20% off readings click below to learn more |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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