Harvest Intentional CommunicationDuring late October, the Astrological energies activate communications themes as Mercury makes aspects with Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter sequentially. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, making it the fastest-orbiting planet in our Solar System, completing one solar revolution in 88 Earth days. In astrology, Mercury influences our thinking, communications, and mental processes. When looking at Mercury in your natal/birth astrology chart, the zodiac sign it occupies at the time of your birth describes the character of how you mentally process and communicate. In learning your natal astrological chart, the sign/house/aspects of Mercury are a valuable package to understand. As Mercury is making connections with Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in the coming weeks and influencing various aspects of how you mentally process things, this late October period is punctuated by a Full Moon that includes a partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Before you read the planetary transits for specific dates described below, take a moment to reflect on any areas of life where you are having significant communications and thought processes with others or even with yourself. Notice your internal dialogues and the mental processes you’re in regarding the more salient situations in your life, whether related to dynamics with others or circumstances you need to sort out individually. Identify the most significant affairs that require communications and sorting through and consider them as you read Mercury’s transit descriptions below. Oct 20th - Oct 22nd Mercury Square Pluto The weekend of October 20th heads off with Mercury (the ruler of the mind), making a Square aspect with Pluto (the ruler of transformation). Planets create Square aspects when positioned at a 90-degree angle with each other from the Earth’s vantage point. Ninety-degree angles between two forces pose conflicts like two rivers meeting up directly perpendicularly. The place of contact between the rivers will show rough waters - ones you may not want to get caught up in as the forces are more intense at the point of contact. Eventually, the two rivers mix, smooth out beyond the point of contact and flow together. This concept is similar to two planets afflicting each other in the Square aspect. With the Mercury/Pluto Square from the 20th through the 22nd, your thinking and communications can become dramatic with Pluto’s powerful forces coming in. Pluto’s energy takes things to a more intense place. Your point of view may come out more emphatically, which, depending on the situation, may or may not be beneficial. Mercury/Pluto transits can help us find our voice more powerfully or show us with clarity where we are trying to overpower or dominate conversations. This transit between Mercury and Pluto can be a potent time to speak with authority. It can also be a time that brings conflict decisively into focus in communication and negotiations. The current collective conflicts around the world could intensify under this transit. As always, astrology allows us to witness the resonant archetypes at a particular time. We are free to act and create from our alignment; the energies move and offer possibilities. At the highest expression, this transit could allow for powerful negotiations, and at its most basic capacity, it can inflame tensions and violence. In contemplating what type of conversations you continue to have from the first half of October, focus on your thoughts and communications related to these dynamics from the 20th to the 22nd. Notice your attachments to ways of thinking and being that keep you engaged in the same internal and external conflicts you’re accustomed to. Ask yourself: What needs letting go to allow new levels of mental engagement to occur? What truths need acknowledging? Over the weekend of the 20th, notice if you’re in situations, conversations, or cognitive processes that require you to honor and/or to part with certain aspects of your thinking that are holding you back from entering new ground with yourself and others. If your mind is stuck on rehashing the past, see what patterns you can consciously shift. As you begin to notice and make shifts, the following days will continue to support you in communications and thinking as Mercury makes a positive Trine with Saturn. Oct 22nd - 24th Mercury Trine Saturn Mercury and Saturn move into a supportive Trine aspect with each other on the 22nd - 24th, supporting ease and flow in thinking and communications with well-grounded, practical roots holding your thought formations. Saturn’s influence anchors us by creating structures in our lives based on the practical and realistic side of things. Your mind can feel more organized in a Trine connection with Saturn and Mercury. If you had any communication conflicts arise during the above Mercury/Pluto transit, then use the after period on the 22nd - 24th to come back to your center. The realizations you had around your thinking patterns or communications during the Pluto Square will have an opportunity to evolve and settle into new and solid mental constructs with the Saturn Trine. You may feel more practical in your approaches to situations as you allow a new structure pattern in your mind to take form. The 22nd - 24th is also an excellent time to put your mind towards accomplishing tasks. If you often struggle to get into a suitable mental space to start working on things, I recommend taking advantage of the supportive Mercury/Saturn energy during these days. It is also an opportune time to organize organize organize! If you prioritize this, you may find you’ll have success. Oct 28th - 30th Mercury & Mars Oppose Jupiter Oct 28th Full Moon in Taurus & Partial Lunar Eclipse Conjunct Jupiter October 28th is an astrologically active day, with Mercury and Mars joining and blending their energies and opposing Jupiter with a Full Moon accompanied by a partial Lunar Eclipse. When Mercury and Mars come together, there’s often more you want to say. Communication with others becomes more active, and there’s usually no holdback when speaking up. The 28th could be a good day to stand up for yourself! The blending of these two planets alone could be enough, but they also make an opposition to Jupiter at the same time. Expressive, expansive, active communication abounds! Jupiter’s influence can create enormous energy around whatever matters are going on. It allows for a more optimistic outlook, but when it’s in opposition to another planet, there’s a challenge to integrate that energy. Whatever you may be involved with on the 28th - 30th may come with more energy than anticipated. Oppositions between planets show what needs integration, and during these days, you may have more abundant energy and could get lost in feeling scattered in too many directions. When Mercury and Mars oppose Jupiter, you may find your mind and actions wanting to go everywhere and take care of things all at once. This optimism may render you scattered by over excitement. Therefore, pay attention to your thoughts/communications and what you want to put your energy into during these dates. It’s powerful energy if worked with intentionally, or it could be just a whirlwind. The Taurus Full Moon on the 28th can help you get centered in all this expansive energy. The Full Moon reflects our emotional body, and Taurus is an Earth sign and brings supportive layers of emotional stability and groundedness to the mix. The Moon will join up with Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter’s influence expands the energy of whatever it is involved in, making emotions bigger than usual on the 28th. A Full Moon that includes a Lunar Eclipse (darkening and reappearing) adds extra emphasis on letting go. Ask yourself: what behaviors, thoughts, or actions do you notice yourself having that create emotional leakage or instability that want to come into the light? You may be able to feel this more acutely with Jupiter’s involvement in this eclipse. Explore this inquiry and notice/journal and what comes up for you. See if you’re too attached to the ways of thinking and doing things that hold you stuck in unhealthy patterns. You can use these noticings and/or journal notes in the future to reflect on when you’re feeling ungrounded or off your rocker and see if you notice any patterns related to what you wrote down showing up for you. Get back on your rocker with clear eyes, and Rock on! ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns
Think. Talk. Act.With the astrological insights covering the next few weeks, I will focus on the current transits of Mercury and Mars; these dynamics influence the patterns of tones and textures in your thinking/communications and actions/will. Our dear Mercury stopped Retrograding on September 15th. As October begins, Mercury, the astrological influencer of your mind and communications, will be out of its post-retrograde shadow - allowing you to move forward from the re-visiting and re-hashing of plans mode you may have been experiencing into a dance routine that brings more mental clarity. Whatever Mercurial matters (realms of your psyche experienced in words, cognitive processes, communications, travel, plans, etc.) you’ve been with since August and September can now present you with a more solid basis for understanding your decisions and planning. Mars influences our will and the aspects of ourselves that want to take action, execute plans, and go after what we want. If you want to learn more about how this aspect personally affects you, look to what house and sign Mars is in your natal/birth astrology chart. The energy of the zodiac sign Mars is in your birth chart indicates how you take action in your day and life. Some astrology signs, such as the Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), will ignite the Martian energy into movement, resulting in an “I am just going to go for it,” whatever the “it” may be. However, Mars in Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) can add a layer of taking action from a more sensitive/intuitive place and following your gut instincts - feeling it out to see if it “feels” right. Currently, Mars is in Libra, a secondary Air sign (Gemini is the first, and Aquarius is the third). Libra connects us to our relationships, sharing with others and being concerned for their well-being. With Mar’s action influenced by its current transit through Libra, there tends to be a need to find ways to act that bring balance to what's happening around you. What you are putting your energy towards is more likely to keep you connected to others. There is also an aspect of indecisiveness that comes with the Libra energy - the ability to find merit in the reason for both sides of things; decisions are more complex with Libra’s influence. When it comes to taking action, these next couple of weeks could come with decisions that have you thoroughly thinking of all the aspects before making the call to action. It is just the way it is with Libra! We can see how Mercury (our languaging mind) and Mars (our drive for action) can influence us to get to the next places in our lives. Their up-and-coming transits will be helpful in this pursuit. Also, both planets will connect with Pluto in the next few weeks, allowing a more profound transformative shift to the everyday areas where you engage your mind and energy. Mercury opposes Neptune 1-3rd Mercury opposes Neptune on the 1st through the 3rd. Neptune connects to the soul aspect of ourselves in the greater universe, and as it opposes Mercury, it can challenge the everyday world in which your mind is engaged. Neptune’s influence dissolves the boundaries we create in this earthly life to form a more meaningful, soulful existence. The energy of Neptune wants to melt away and dissolve linear systems into watery depths of wonderment and whimsy. One way to understand this influence: Have you ever reached a point at a given time in your life where you weren’t interested in the same things anymore? These feelings often get attributed to depression, but it’s also the aspect of Neptune helping you shift towards more meaningful things. In the in-between stage, the things that used to bring you joy don’t seem to anymore. As time passes, new things that you hadn’t been able to see yet start emerging. The key is not to get trapped in what’s not having your attention anymore, which can feel like depression. These first three days of October may offer similar feelings but on a lesser scale. If you have difficulty getting grounded with tasks that require mental focus, see what more significant aspects of your existence are calling to be more integrated within you. Your everyday affairs may need some soul integration, allowing these activities to become more aligned with what’s soulful and truly meaningful to you. As Mercury influences your thinking, you may feel a little spacey in your mind during this opposition from Neptune transit. If you’ve got your mind set on things you want to do and then feel like there is something you would rather be doing - follow this knowing. Neptune’s instincts can get us to be in the right place at the right time for something more meaningful, magical, and serendipitous to happen. These moments often come when we don’t allow our mind to talk us out of our gut instincts at the moment. While you have to tend to the daily needs of your charges, surrender and trust your instinctual knowing! Mercury Trine Pluto 3rd - 7th As Mercury’s oppositional position with Neptune fades in its influence on the 3rd, Mercury will orbit into a Trine aspect with Pluto on the same day through the 7th. Trines between planets allow for the ease and flow of the astrological energetic influences of the planets involved to work in harmony. From here, opportunities come your way. In other words, Mercury’s mental influence connects with Pluto’s transformative power to create a more potent energy expression of new thoughts and ideas. Pluto’s influence in our lives helps us become more aware of habits, patterns, and reactions to life that have us responding from our subconscious realms. Pluto’s transits at certain times make us more aware of these. Sometimes, it’s not what we want to see, but ultimately, it is best for our growth and transformation and allows new life aspects to emerge. It creates a death and birth process, where letting things go brings something new into your life. During the 3rd through the 7th, with the Trine between Mercury and Pluto, there is more support to help you get out of old ways of thinking and shift into new places of awareness. Pluto’s influence can also give you more power to your voice. These are great days to schedule a meeting or an interview if you want to communicate well and impress others. It’s also a potent time to think things through honestly. Pluto’s trine brings positive power to communication and thinking. Mars square Pluto 7th - 10th As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words”. Following these mind-influencing Mercury transits, Mars, the take-action planet, begins to make transits with both Pluto and Saturn, getting your new thoughts into taking action in the second week of October. From the 7th through the 10th, Mars will make a Square with Pluto, challenging your old ways of doing things while looking for a new pathway of expression and action. As described under the Mercury/Pluto Trine section, Pluto urges us to transform through a death and birth process. When presented in a Square aspect with Mars, you may find yourself in an internal conflict regarding a habitual way of responding to things that don’t feel right. This discomfort won’t abate unless you find new ways to respond. It could arise from an external circumstance that internally triggers you. Pay close attention to your internal responses to situations you may have from Oct 7th - 10th. Squares in astrology encourage us to grow as we make our way out of patterns of doing things that keep us stuck in the past. Pluto Square Mars energy can be intense as it brings awareness to old psychological patterns that need to shift for you to align better with your present self. In these moments, it may feel like we have no choice but to change and grow! Mars Trine Saturn 12th - 15th As we round off the first half of October, Mars moves into an opportune Trine with Saturn, adding a layer of groundedness to how you move about in your day. Any Intense internal conflicts that may have come up for you during the Mars/Pluto Square transit (7th - 10th) may have come with urges to change what’s no longer working for you. This Mars Trine Saturn transit from the 12th - 15th can allow you to feel more supported towards creating a reliable new structure for yourself with more ease and flow. Saturn’s influence helps us stay connected to reality and the practical side. There can be a feeling of restriction that doesn’t allow you to tend to all the irons in the pot but instead has your attention centered on the most important things to work on. Mars has fast energy, and Saturn is slow. A Trine between Mars and Saturn can allow you to balance the need to act on something with the need to take it slow to allow and make sure you’re covering all your bases. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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