Sun enters Taurus; Mercury goes Retrograde4/19 - 4/20 New Moon in Aries Sun Enter Taurus Sun Square Pluto On the last day of the Sun’s annual, month-long journey through Aries, it conjoins with the Moon on the 19th, making a New Moon in Aries. Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, creating vital energy for action and initiation. What New beginnings this Spring are stirring excitement within you? As nature buds and blooms, connect with this New Moon energy and see what initiations are ready to emerge in your life. What are your action steps (Aries Energy) to support the movements of these sprouting new shoots of life? The next day, following the New Moon, the Sun moves into the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus on April 20th. Whatever you’re opening into this season, these weeks of Taurus energy can add layers of solid groundedness with a “fixed” capacity to see it through to completion (or at least the creation of well-established fruitful movement in that direction). Something to keep in mind, however, is that as the Sun enters Taurus on the 20th, it will also be making a challenging square aspect with the great transforming energy of Pluto. Squares can bring friction as they challenge you to shift out of old patterns that aren’t working for you. With Sun Squaring Pluto, you may feel internal conflicts around letting things go that might not be worth putting your energy towards. On the 20th, tune in and notice if old parts of yourself are pulling on you. The Sun's energy connects to our identities. When Square Pluto, you may see certain aspects of yourself might not fit your present paradigm and need to be released so you can reach new levels of your being. The challenge is the attachments we have to these old parts of self. To overcome the conflict, acknowledge the shifts inside yourself and release attachment to what’s no longer serving you. The blessing of the Pluto Square Sun energy, just after the New Moon in Aries, is something New and better inside yourself will have a chance to emerge. 4/21 - 5/14 Mercury retrograde Just after the New Moon and Sun’s transit into Taurus, Mercury goes retrograde on the 21st. Mercury always transits close to the Sun and is also in Taurus, directing your mental attention toward creating nourishment through groundedness and stability. As Mercury, the planet that governs thought and communication, goes retrograde, it will be in “rewind’ mode and going back over the terrain of our recent weeks. More specifically, whatever mental processes, plans, and communications revolving around what was going on in your life from April 7th to April 20th may continue to be rehashed/worked out until Mercury leaves its shadow on June 1st. Mercury retrograde periods are an opportunity to review, reprocess, and integrate current events in your life. It’s a time for recollecting, reflecting, and metabolizing your recent experiences. When we avoid this opportunity and try to conduct our affairs by charging ahead as if Mercury were moving with a direct forward motion, communication and thinking processes go haywire and run wonky. When we allow the retrograde period as an opportunity to welcome a retreat into integration, we can take the opportunity to recalibrate ourselves and move in harmony with the nature of this time. It’s a supportive time to finish up projects taking up psychic space. Spend time with these activities during these next three weeks. Clear clutter in closets, garages, workspaces, donate items, etc. Mercury rules our minds, and when you clear out the physical clutter, you are also helping clear your mental clutter. When Mercury goes direct again on May 15th, you can feel mentally refreshed if you take advantage of the Mercury retrograde, rewind, review, and clear out period. 4/23 Mercury Sextile Mars On April 23, Mars will be making a positive Sextile with Mercury. Your mind may be pretty active and stimulated towards moving on plans or ideas you’ve been having. If you haven't been able to wrap your mind around things happening in your life, a Mars/Mercury Sextile can help you get more mental energy toward figuring it out. Remember, Mercury is in retrograde, and you might have to give yourself more time to think through what you want to do and ensure it’s a solid plan. Mercury in retrograde can sometimes interfere with clarity in decision-making. If you have a big decision, this Mercury/Mars transit may activate you to move in one direction or another. However, I recommend writing these ideas down and waiting until Mercury is out of retrograde (as time allows) on May 15th to see if it still seems to be the right choice for you. Otherwise, if you move on impulses coming to you on or around April 23rd, you may have to rehash your action plan later, which may require more work to get it right. 4/27 - 4/29 Mars Square Chiron On April 27, action-oriented Mars makes a square with the wounded healer Chiron. Squares between planets point to nagging internal conflicts that must shift towards something healthy and positive for you. Under the Square dynamic of Mars and Chiron, you may notice an urge to heal patterns related to how you respond to situations. You may feel encouraged to stand up for yourself in a new way, which may initially feel edgy but ultimately will help you become untangled from a long-held unhealthy pattern. Notice what’s happening in your life on the days surrounding the 27th. Are there situations that require you to act in self-love that might feel internally difficult? Whatever work you can do on the 27th and 28th will be helpful for when Mars makes an opportune Sextile with Uranus on the 29th, helping you feel even freer from the old patterns. 4/29 - 4/30 Mars Sextile Uranus On the 29th, Mars will move into a Sextile with Uranus, allowing you to feel more invigorated toward moving out of restrictions that have kept you from feeling free to be you and create new things in your life. Mars helps us take action toward what we want to be doing for ourselves, and Uranus opens us up to new visions for how to do that. Uranus’s Energy can access breaking free from things that hold us back or areas of life we feel stuck in. We feel free to be who we are and act from that place of personal sovereignty. As April approaches its last days, look deeper into how you feel held back, whether it’s situations, fears, or relationship dynamics. See if you feel stimulated and inspired to take a different course of action to create a more self-aligned reality for yourself. I recommend setting yourself free to follow what’s emerging. Recognize how you can free yourself from being controlled by situations out of your control. Fresh new energy is available to explore, creating new pathways for self-actualization. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns Please get in touch to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading with Laura to help you navigate your life!
April's Astrology and YouSpring "Marches" into April; buds and blooms appear; notice what's emerging from within you. As above, so below . . . what's going on in your inner world reflects what's happening in the external world. Over these next few weeks, the planetary arrangements can help you sort out any blocks to your fullest blooming that are in play in your present dynamics. 4/3 - 4/4 Mercury Square Pluto Mercury influences our communications, and Pluto brings deep things to the surface where they can become known and consciously addressed. Pluto’s power reveals and transforms unconscious material. Pluto’s transformative path can require us to move through dark, challenging material, and with conscious intention, it can ultimately move things into new places that feel better and more appropriate. When Mercury and Pluto come into a Square aspect on April 3rd and 4th, you may find yourself in matters that stir internal conflicts regarding resolving issues. Recognize in the first handful of days in April if you see yourself in a communication dynamic or an internal dialogue regarding a challenging situation. Ask yourself: Are you in a familiar thought pattern that holds you in a hostile and stuck place? Notice what ways of thinking you must let go of to shift into a new mental space. 4/5 - 4/6 Mercury Sextile Saturn Following the Mercury/Pluto Square, Mercury will make an easy and stimulating Sextile aspect with Saturn on the 5th and 6th. This energy provides an opportunity to restructure your thoughts in a way that helps you feel more grounded and stable. Saturn helps your mind “get real”. If you’re in decision mode regarding a direction you want to go with what you are planning or building in your life, take note of what’s coming through your mind on April 5th - 6th. Some helpful ideas may be coming in, allowing you to see more clearly what will and won’t work in your planning process. Heed these ideas; write them down! 4/7 - 4/9 Venus Sextile Neptune Mercury Sextile Mars April 7th - 9th brings more energy around communications with Mercury activating Mars in a Sextile aspect. Sextiles occur when planets are 60 degrees apart and invigorate opportunities for you to open up the highest qualities each planet represents. Mars influences your will and stimulates your desire to take care of your needs. When Mars gets activated, action happens. As Mercury and Mars affect each other’s energy on the 7th and 9th, your mind (Mercury’s influence) might be more noticeably stimulated by thoughts and urges to communicate needs or other topics of concern with enthusiasm. This transit brings good energy to help you speak up for yourself. If there have been recent challenges around getting your thoughts out to another, this is an opportune time for doing the real work of self-expression. Along with the Mercury/Mars Sextile, Venus and Neptune are also making the same 60-degree aspect with each other. Venus and Neptune can add more loving and meaningful communication to the astrological energy of the 7th - 9th. If you feel like you’re opening into what could be a more challenging conversation, Venus softens and balances the often pushy energy of Mars to create more harmony. Neptune extends into our soul experiences and can help you see the more significant meaning behind the actions you are taking on these days. One thing to recognize, however, is that when Neptune is involved in planetary arrangements, the soulful opening can blur boundaries creating a more undefined and even, at times, confusing energy to anchor in. If this face of Neptune emerges amidst important communication, and dialogue becomes murky during this transit, remember you can pause and allow clarity to emerge before resolving communication. 4/11 - 4/12 Venus Trine Pluto Venus and Pluto will be in a flowing and opportune Trine on the 11th and 12th, opening energy for transformation in your relationship(s). Venus connects us to receiving love, friendship, intimacy, and beauty. Pluto takes us into the unknown depths to uncover what’s operating from the unconscious so we can transform into present-time consciousness and make choices from this place of awareness. When Venus and Pluto Trine, there’s a flow of energy that help discharge the things that need to go so you can take your relationships to the next level. Relationships remain healthy and viable when they can evolve and grow as each person naturally changes over time. There is an ease in doing some of this, letting go and transforming during the second week of April, which will be helpful as Venus makes a hard Square to Saturn on the days following the Venus/Pluto transit (see below). 4/13 - 4/15 Venus Square Saturn Just after Venus, ruler of the heart and relationships, makes a flowing Trine with Pluto, it will move into a more challenging Square aspect with Saturn. Square aspects between planets occur when planets are at a 90-degree angle from each other, squaring off and blocking their natural impulses. When the Square is between Venus and Saturn, during the 13th - 15th, you may notice more of “what’s not working” in your relationships or heart spaces and feel the need to restructure some things. Sometimes this means changing some aspects of how you are present and show up in your relationships; other times, it may be time to break up. Squares are more connected to our internal processes that ultimately influence our outer world. Spend time with yourself during the 13th -15th and see what is coming up inside you in connection to your relationships and feeling heart. See if you notice an internal pattern keeping you held hostage from having a more fulfilling relationship experience that needs acknowledging and shifting. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns Please get in touch to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading with Laura to help you navigate your life! |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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