Tuning into Your Heart in Intimacy, Deep Friendships, and Self-LoveAs we enter the last two weeks of February, Venus has a mighty full dance card, making transits with Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. This offers a great labyrinth for your heart to journey along. Your ears and voice also get encouraged in their quest to receive and transmit truth. Feb 16th - 18th Mercury square Uranus Venus conjunct Pluto Two different planetary aspects come into play from the 16th through the 18th, bringing your ability to “say what you need to say” in your communications with others and intensifying your relationship bonds. Mercury and Uranus will be squaring each other in the sky, and Venus will join up with Pluto in Aquarius simultaneously. This planetary configuration could make for an intense weekend of conversations, especially with relationship matters. When Mercury and Uranus make aspects with each other - your mind can get activated to explore finding new freedoms and experimental ideas in thoughts and communication in ways where you might typically just as easily hold yourself back. Uranus indicates a need to break free from self-imposed restrictions so you can express yourself just as you are. With the square aspect to Mercury from the 16th to the 18th, you may feel those twinkling notions emerge with an urge to get your genuine thoughts and words out. Your voice may open up unexpectedly, which can help you feel freer by speaking your truth. And, with more conscious intentionality, your words won’t have to seem so surprising if you’re feeling sudden inclinations to allow for some worthy, relevant rants and rambles you weren’t planning. This mental practice could be good; speak freely and make it clear and true! Mercury/Uranus combos also bring out sparks of creative ideas. The 16th - 18th is also an excellent time to shift away from old habits and develop new ways of doing things. If you’ve been feeling bored in your usual routines, Uranus indicates an opening for new, exciting ideas to shake things up and see what more is possible. Notice if you’ve got fresh ideas coming to your mind. If you’re feeling impulsive with new thoughts, I recommend slowing down to check in with your body and spirit and grounding yourself before taking action so you can stay in a mindful presence that will help you feel balanced as you receive fresh downloads. Along with the Mercury/Uranus duo, Venus and Pluto also conjoin their energies, so there’s a forecast for deepening your feelings in relationship attachments over the weekend. Venus connects us to our senses for pleasure and our need for connection to others. Pluto opens our intensity and depths towards these Venusian aspects in our lives. During this time, your feelings of connection to others and desires to give and receive love and affection may be felt more acutely and strongly - including love towards self. It’s a good time to tune in with more awareness of these needs and get a sense of where you are on your personal love and relationship scale (in deep friendships, intimacy, and self-love). If you’ve been more distant or feeling a lack of connections with others and would like more, the 16th - 18th may bring out more intense feelings regarding the need for this, and it would be a good time to take the initiative and reach out meaningfully to the ones you love. The Mercury/Uranus planetary aspect, in conjunction with Venus and Pluto in Aquarius, could help you open your communications with others around this as the qualities of the Aquarian Water Bearer relate similarly to the Uranian “free to be you and me” energy. Have you been feeling smothered by your relationships and not having the desired freedom? If so, Mercury square Uranus can have you suddenly saying the things you need to speak to break free and transform dynamics that involve unbalanced beliefs or attachments that underlie the stories that shape your relationship narratives. These two transits offer a beautiful window of opportunity for more unrestricted communication and deepening expressions of love. Those Cupid love arrows may well let loose and hit deep at this time, opening up new vistas in longer relationships and sparking new connections with depth and passion. Feb 20th - 24th Venus conjunct Mars Venus’ February transits continue a dance focusing on relationships with others, continuing through the 26th as Venus joins Mars in Aquarius, followed by a square with Jupiter. Just after Venus moves away from joining its energy with Pluto from the 16th to the 18th, it comes in conjunction with Mars from the 20th to the 24th. Whatever strong feelings appear in the temple of your relationship attachments/connections and love needs (with self and others - see the previous section), the Mars energy can ignite more action to make things right. Whichever way things need to go that keeps you in good relationship health with yourself and others, these are supportive days to take action to cultivate that toward more incredible goodness. Venus and Mars, in conjunction, can also activate relationship matters in general. Therefore, notice if you have an increased drive towards attending to the needs of your relationships from the 20th to the 24th. Mars connects us to taking action in our lives; it can feel like the things brewing are no longer something you can sit on. This action could even mean gathering your bravery to ask that person of interest out on a date or taking steps to move a pattern in an ongoing relationship. Feb 24th - 26th Venus square Jupiter Following the Venus/Mars conjunction (2/20 - 2/24), Venus will transit into a square aspect with Jupiter in the sky from the 24th to the 26th, opening up more positive feelings with relationships. Venus and Jupiter are known as the benefics of astrology as more ease can be experienced when they are a part of challenging planetary aspects. Venus connects us to beauty and our inner ability to attract good things, and Jupiter indicates an expansion of optimism toward whatever comes your way. Although these two are in a hard square aspect with each other, the alchemy is still positive and expansive for your relationship connections. The connection they make at a Square might coincide with just the right time to bring positive feelings toward addressing a situation that wants your attention. One important consideration is to notice if there are overly enthusiastic and ungrounded sensual pleasure-seeking feelings moving through you during the 24th - 26th. This energy can make you feel optimistic about over-extending yourself in ways that could take you further away from what’s in healthy alignment regarding love and relationships. I offer this tidbit of astrological interpretation between Venus and Jupiter so you can approach these days with more centeredness and awareness. The optimism of Jupiter and Venus is best expressed with some degree of care and circumspect attention with this square. Feb 28th - 29th Mercury conjunct Saturn February ends with Mercury and Saturn joining their energy in conjunction on the 28th and 29th. This planetary energy can bring your mind to more focus and concentration. Mercury influences the mind, and Saturn represents contracting, focused, and practical energy that keeps us staying and working at things to ensure they are just right. With Saturn in the mix, accessing expansive and flowy thoughts can feel harder. These can be great days to get organized and create structure in your day to accomplish what you would like to get done. However, you may feel easily overwhelmed if you try to put too much on your task plate. Less is more when Mercury and Saturn conjunct - you will get more accomplished with less to focus on, and I recommend not overburdening yourself with a long list of to-dos. Your thoughts and conversations with others may also feel more restricted during the 28th - 29th. If you have an essential discussion or a presentation, do some dedicated prep work before the 28th. Otherwise, your mind may struggle with overthinking the perfect delivery of what you’d like to say if you prepare on the 28th/29th. Saturn and Mercury can connect you to speaking with more authority with whatever you’re addressing; just make sure you come in knowing what you want to say, allowing you to have a more successful outcome versus making it up on the fly. This period is ideal for activities requiring greater structure and organization to your thought process. With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns
How Is Your Power Aligned?February has arrived, and so has my astrological weather forecast for the next two weeks. There are opportunities to connect more to your creativity, aesthetic senses, and transformations in your mental processing and how you take action in your life. Feb 1st - 3rd Mercury Sextile Neptune February begins with Mercury and Neptune in a positive sextile aspect to each other in the sky, opening up greater bandwidth for your mental psychic senses from the 1st through the 3rd. You may find yourself picking up more subtle, unspoken words in conversations with others and feeling influenced by the energies of people around you. Mercury connects with your mental activities, and Neptune’s movements describe how we dissolve boundaries, creating greater connections with all the realms of oneness beyond the physical world. We all have a part of ourselves that senses beyond the concrete, tangible realities, some have greater ease accessing this terrain than others. With this planetary combo in a stimulating and positive sextile aspect to each other, the 1st-3rd, this intuitive, psychic sensing level of processing becomes more available through your thoughts. This is also a good opportunity to make time for creative space to allow yourself to be receptive to the think tank of ideas available to be downloaded into your mind's central processing center. You may feel more connected to receiving helpful thoughts and ideas that can come to you more easily if you take a moment, quiet your mind, and allow thoughts to emerge. You may get sparks of inspiration that help you along your day. You may also have more insight into other people’s thoughts and feelings at this time. One important thing to note is that this planetary duo can make it more challenging for your mind to be task-oriented and structured. You may think you’re off to do one thing and get inspired to do something different than you thought. Therefore, it’s possible that your inclination to orient around your to-do’s during the 1st - 3rd can be less orderly. I recommend allowing more of a flow in your day, and perhaps you may get them done anyway, just not in the way you thought. Feb 5th - 7th Mercury conjunct Pluto From the 5th through the 7th, Mercury joins Pluto in the same degree and sign of Aquarius. Your conversations and your thought processes can be more intense with others. Pluto’s orbit shows how things are moving from the underworld into your consciousness, where you can work with them from a place of more awareness. These are supportive days to dive deep into your thoughts and communication (Mercury). It can be a powerful time to work with, learn, and explore transformative ideas, techniques, and ways of thinking. It’s a good time for deep processing. The caveat is that Pluto's potency and depth can give rise to increased gravity and powerful thoughts and, thus, a potential for conflict. Pluto’s connection with Mercury can bring more power to your words and voice, which could be helpful or not so helpful, depending on how you approach it. If you have to give a presentation, you’ll have everyone’s attention. If you need to resolve a conflict, doing so could be more intense (effective or destructive) from the 5th to the 7th. One approach is to stay focused on gleaning the depths of your thought process, see what mental transformations you come to on your own, and then have those conflict resolution conversations after the 7th. You may get to a place that feels like you had a death and birth process around how you’re processing the situation. Old thought patterns may need to go so new ones can emerge. Trying to resolve the issue while still in your own process may not give you the clarity you need to speak from your highest truths. Simply put, if the shadows get triggered, conflicts can become more ego-centered and less heart-centered when Pluto and Mercury are conjunct with each other during the 5th -7th. It’s a powerful time to think, learn, process, and communicate with depth and potency. FYI - as you read further down, Feb 12th-15th might also not be good days to resolve conflicts as Mars comes in to join Pluto. See further below. Feb 7th - 10th Venus Trine Uranus Mars Sextile Neptune During the 7th - 10th, Venus and Uranus are in a flowy Trine with each other, along with Mars and Neptune in a positive Sextile. These are supportive days for creative endeavors and tapping into your inner artists. Venus and Uranus combos can connect you to your unique way of creating beauty around you. If you want a more creative aesthetic in your home, workspace, wardrobe, etc…., this would be a time to tune in and see what wants to emerge from you. Along with this flowy opening to your creativity, Mars and Neptune are in a Sextile aspect on the same days. Your inner action-oriented Mars draws you towards more activities that feed your soul. Mars motivates us to go after what we want, and Neptune has you asking: What does my soul want? And, forget about everything on my list, I want to have this time to play and be creative. Overall, the 7th through the 10th are not the best days to try and be productive in activities that require you to check out of your spontaneous creative process, but are great days to let some creativity flow! February 12th - 15th Mars conjunct Pluto February 12th- 15th brings a shift to your movement and flow from the previous days as Mars and Pluto join up with a conjunction in Aquarius. This pairing signifies your inner drives intensifying towards going after what you want. Mars/Pluto combinations connect you more strongly with your will, increasing your motivation to get things done. You may not feel those creative vibes moving inside you with the same visionary inspiration that was in the air during the Venus/Uranus and Mars/Neptune transits (described above). However, if you were enchanted by visions of motivating and enlivened ideas coming through you during that time, here’s GO TIME! The 12-15th brings a powerful time to move on taking action to launch those ideas. Again, Mars moves with your will to take action; Pluto brings deep power and drives up from the subterranean unconscious - together, the two create a brew of raw power. It’s crucial that such urges being acted upon come from a place of good alignment! The Mars/Pluto influence can also help you become more aware of unconscious ego drives and help you discern what’s motivating you to take specific actions. Your inner Mars, as mentioned above, gets you pumped for action. Pluto can feel like lava from the depths . . . powerful urges coming through you. This energy can be creative or destructive (or something in between), depending on where it comes from and how it is directed. Pluto's powers can make you more aware of responses that are operating from your subconscious. It’s essential to be clear. Whether you are responding to another person or life circumstances, your urges can be strong during the 12th - 15th, and sometimes they come from old habitual patterns of responding that can perpetuate difficult situations. The more you become conscious of what’s motivating you in your actions, the more Pluto’s irrepressible power and the weight of the requirement to move forward with something can help you to awaken and transform lingering stuck patterns into new and healthier ones for yourself to create different outcomes. If you have any conflicts to work out during the 12th - 15th, it would be helpful to approach them from the aforementioned “awaken and transform” place versus getting stuck in ego responses. If you feel overheated about a situation, I recommend noticing what’s coming up for you to and see what you can work out inside yourself, and waiting until after the 15th to have those conversations. The 12th - 15th is is a great time to initiate action. It’s good to be clear in your alignment, and if you're internally conflicted about the powerful energy moving through you, it’s good to connect with trusted allies to get support on truing your alignment. Kindness is a good guide. If your alignment feels cool and clear, this is a very potent time to act. The world is stirring up. Do good things. Make community. Your actions count. Lead with love and unity. Find your people; find your voice. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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