Balancing the ScalesAs we move towards mid-September, the Autumnal Equinox arrives. Summer's long warm days transform into the cooler Fall season. As the Sun enters Libra on Autumn Equinox, this is a profound time to weigh out the balance of our lives and reflect on what needs letting go of versus what needs refinement. Mercury Retrograde Continues... Mercury began retrograding on Sept 9th and will continue over the next few weeks through Oct 1st. It’s a good time to pause and notice what type of “unfinished business” has accumulated in your life. Now through Oct 1st would be a supportive time to bring some of these things to completion. Refer to my previous blog below (Sept 1st - 15th) for supportive learning about Mercury Retrograde and how to best make use of this time. Venus Square Mars 9/16 - 9/19 Both Venus and Mars are our relationship planets. When these two planets are in a challenging square aspect with each other, more conflicts can arise. If you find this happening during the 16th through the 19th, then it’s a good time to explore internal conflicts within yourself. Square aspects can bring into the light of awareness unconscious blocks we are holding inside ourselves. One way this often occurs is that the square transit can trigger us to manifest our internal conflict in relationships outside ourselves, where we can see them bigger, louder, and messier than on the inside. We may then be tempted to work out our inner conflicts in an externalized relationship. Truly, if we can get to what’s happening within us, we have a better chance of resolving these internal issues creating a better path to work out what shows up with others or in our intimate relationships. If Things get triggered, hot, and bothered under this aspect, it’s good to take some time to look within and get some support from allies and loving truth speakers who you trust to help find emotional clarity to explore what needs understanding. Mars Sextile Chiron 9/17 - 9/22 Mars’s energy comes into a positive and stimulating aspect with Chiron, the “wounded healer,” from the 17th through the 22nd. When Mars makes an aspect with other planets, it urges you to take action towards the energy of the planet it is an aspect with. Mars with Chiron can activate you towards wanting to heal an old pattern. Chiron is in Aries, reminding you that no matter who you are traveling along with in your life, you also have your sole journey to tend to. During these dates in September, you may come in more contact with how well you’re living in alignment with your path and purpose vs. feeling pulled by the people around you. It’s a supportive time to shift out of patterns that keep you from living from your sovereignty. When you think about your life, do you feel like you’re on your path? If not, what shifts can you make to ensure you’re living in alignment with yourself? What patterns need “healing”? Fall Equinox Sun enters Libra 6:04 PM 9/22/22 When the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, it marks the first day of Autumn, the Fall Equinox. Daytime and Nighttime are equal on this day. It’s the halfway point between Summer Solstice (the longest day) and Winter Solstice (the shortest day). The Sun’s trajectory across the ecliptic shifts towards the Southern hemisphere. Fall days with less daylight start to come in and grow shorter until we reach the Winter Solstice. The Autumnal pivot to increasingly shorter days and longer nights brings nature to the culmination of seasonal harvests. Plants and trees begin to direct their energy inward to nourish their roots and seeds. We, too, follow these patterns of nature; you may notice you feel the sense of wanting to move into a more internal nesting mode. Depending on the climate you live in, this period can be met with a natural cycle of grief as we shift away from the abundant energy, warmth, and light of the summer and move towards the year's descent into Autumn and Winter. As Summer moves into Fall, if you notice sadness showing up without any particular personal loss or clear reason, it’s a good time to shift your perspective to the natural cycles of the year and notice how all this letting go is part of the rhythm of life. Noticing grief or sadness during this time can point to unprocessed emotions that may need to be felt and moved through. As natural energies shift inwards, Fall tends to be when we have more access to internal grief, new or old. It’s a good time to acknowledge what’s been living inside you so you can begin a natural process of feeling the feelings to release them and lighten your load as we move towards winter. New Moon Libra 9/25 2:54 PM PDT Just days after the Autumn Equinox, as the Sun moves into Libra, the Moon will join up with the Sun creating a Libra New Moon on the 25th. Libra energy opens up the qualities of sharing and being in cooperation with others and loved ones. When both the Sun and the Moon come together in the sign of Libra, it may open your emotional being towards wanting to connect with others. Libra energy also seeks to balance “the scales”, as the image of Libra depicts. Ask yourself: What are you in need of balancing out in your life? Giving yourself and/or your time to others vs. having dedicated time for yourself? Work vs. home commitments? Leisurely time vs. scheduled activities? The Moon reflects through our emotional body ~ what’s out of balance may stir you up more during the New Moon time, take some time to notice your emotional needs. What areas of life have things gotten out of hand for you? New Moons create a good monthly reset point. Under this Libra New Moon, I recommend taking some sacred space and noticing how the scales are tipped in any particular area of your life. Make a list and set intentions, including steps to support the balance. During the next 29 days, until the next New Moon, continue to follow through with actions to manifest those intentions! Mars Trine Saturn 9/23 - 9/27 Mars and Saturn influence each other's energy in a supportive Trine aspect from the 23rd through the 27th. Your physical energy during this time can strengthen and make you feel more grounded and balanced, you may have a stronger ability to focus on the things you need to get done. I recommend utilizing this time to work on the tedious things you may have been avoiding that require dedicated concentration. This is a time you may have more success in completing them. In the days leading up to the 23rd, take inventory of what things you have been putting off and make a point from the 23rd-27th to follow through on these tasks. Mercury will still be in retrograde, which can align well with finishing up old projects lingering out there, taking up psychic space in your mind. See my previous blog below on Mercury Retrograde to learn more! ~~~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how the whole year ahead is looking for you!
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Embrace SeptemberAs we embrace September's arrival, there can be a natural feeling of release and letting go in the transition towards Autumn. Just as we arose with the tides of Spring and Summer, we now begin to spiral inward with the arrival of earlier evenings and cooler airs. Every year, this time includes the Pisces Full Moon, an energy that helps us let go and surrender to the beauty in the flow of natural cycles. The planetary arrangement in this first week of the month supports you in maintaining an upbeat approach. You may find this helpful in the presence of the natural melancholy that often accompanies the shift towards the Fall and Winter. Mars sextile Jupiter 9/1/22 - 9/5/22 This first week of September offers an abundance of energy with Mars and Jupiter in positive aspects with each other. Mars activates you to take action, and Jupiter can open you to move towards more growth and expansion in your life. With these two planets combined, you may feel stimulated to accomplish a lot during the 1st - 5th. Early September is also a supportive time to take that next step with something you’ve wanted to create or build. As autumn approaches and another school year is starting for many, there can be a natural feeling of wanting to get “back to business,” especially if the previous months had you engaging in plenty of summer activities, adventures, and travel. One important thing to notice during this first week is if you start to have too many irons burning in the fire regarding the things you want to accomplish, you may risk scattering your energy too much. Jupiter and Mars can also stimulate you into overdoing it. I recommend focusing on one or two things calling your attention and recognizing the higher success rate you’ll have with putting your effort towards them. If you have a business, this is an excellent week to promote growth. Mercury Oppose Jupiter 9/1/22 - 1/8/22 While Mars and Jupiter are grooving together, Mercury will also oppose Jupiter this first week of September, bringing a more expanded mental perspective to the things you’re putting your energy on. Mercury influences our minds, and Jupiter brings more optimism and the ability to see the bigger picture. There is less focus on the details, which can offer a level of thinking beyond obstacles and seeing the positive outcomes of what you are creating/building this week and the more essential things you are working on in your life. Mercury is slowing down before it heads into retrograde on September 9th. In its slower movement, Mercury is hanging in opposition with Jupiter for a longer than usual time, offering more time to open into wide and optimistic mental perspectives. Mercury Retrograde in Libra 9/9/22 - 10/1/22 Mercury is going retrograde from September 9th until Oct 1st. When Mercury, although rarely observable, is in retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky from Earth’s vantage point for three weeks. During this time, people often find more challenges and issues with communications, electronics, travel, etc. You may find getting from point A to point B takes longer, or there’s more back-and-forth communication before things become clear. I see Mercury retrograde as an offering to surrender, trusting things will work out in the end. What seemed like a detour can bring you to something delightful you wouldn’t have been able to experience otherwise. Let go and allow an alternate way of “getting there” to manifest. Mercury retrograde has gained more awareness in our collective cultural conversations. The most common theme is recognizing a tendency for communications and technology to go haywire. I find what is alive regarding Mercury retrograde is holding an awareness that the planetary energy that governs thought and communication is in “rewind” mode for three weeks. Mercury is going back over the terrain of our recent weeks. It’s an excellent opportunity to review, reprocess, and integrate current events in your life. It’s a time for recollecting, reflecting, and metabolizing your recent experiences. When we avoid this opportunity and try to conduct our affairs by charging ahead as if Mercury were moving with a direct forward motion, communication and thinking go haywire and run wonky. When we allow the retrograde period as an opportunity to welcome a retreat into integration, we can take the opportunity to recalibrate ourselves and move in harmony with the nature of this time. Mercury in Libra can direct our attention towards communications in relationships and partnerships. It’s also a supportive time to finish up old projects taking up psychic space. Spend time with these activities during these next three weeks, and you will find ease in completing them. Clear out closets, garages, workspaces, donate items, etc. Mercury rules our minds, and when you clear out the physical clutter, you are also helping clear your mental clutter. When Mercury goes direct again on Oct 2nd, you can feel mentally refreshed if you take advantage of the Mercury retrograde period, rewind, review, and clear out. Full Moon in Pisces 9/10/22 2:59 AM PDT On September 10th, we have a Full Moon in Pisces. Physically, Full moons occur when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the sky, and the Sun can reflect its whole light onto the Moon. Energetically, the moon connects to your emotional body, which helps us understand why we feel more around Full Moons. Our emotions are in their most illuminated state. Pisces is a water sign (along with Cancer and Scorpio) and can open you up to feeling even more sensitive, emotionally and psychically. You may notice that you’re more affected by the energy of the people around you under the Full Moon, including the days leading up to and after it. Pisces can also hold more compassion and want to show up and do what they can to help others, which can sometimes lead to self-sacrifice for the benefit of another. It is helpful to make sure this action also includes self-care, or it can tip the scales toward feeling like a victim in these situations over time. From the 8th through the 10th, I recommend observing your emotional and energetic boundaries. Notice if you’re over-sacrificing your self-care and impacting your well-being. If you find this true, create shifts to balance this dynamic so you can continue taking care of your needs. Pisces also brings creative expression through dance, art, music, etc. It’s a good moon time to tap into your creative juices and see what kind of artful masterpiece you can download through your senses and put into form. With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how the year ahead is looking for you! |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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