Summer and the Stars As we reach Summer Solstice, the warmth spreads across the land, blossoms are wide open, and our spirits are ready to welcome the season. Mercury will soon be out of its shadow, allowing the story of life to move forward. Sun Trine Saturn Sun square Neptune June 15th - 18th The Sun is making simultaneous aspects: a trine with Saturn and a square with Neptune. This is an interesting set of planetary dynamics with the Sun as Saturn and Neptune couldn’t be more opposite in their expression. Saturn is about living a sustainable earthly life, based on matters of physical reality. It’s about creating boundaries and structure: the job we work, the money we make, the house we live in, the family we take care of, and the food we eat. Neptune connects us to the matters of our soul and wants to dissolve the boundaries that Saturn sets up so we can connect to the One and our place in the universe. With Neptune’s influence, we sense the unseen, feel the energies around us and possibly even merge with those energies … ranging from other people’s emotions and intentions, the feelings of animals, and even the energies of natural landscapes, songs, paintings, neighborhoods can be intuited and more deeply felt under Neptune’s influence. When the Sun makes a difficult square to Neptune it can open you up to feeling more sensitive and easily tuning into the energies of others. The challenge becomes having a hard time with what’s yours and others (the boundaries) and or not taking on what you’re sensing from others as your own. Fortunately, the opportune trine to Saturn that the Sun is also making at the same time can help balance things. If you find yourself feeling over-sensitive to others and or the environment around you Saturn can add a level of groundedness and stability that helps keep the boundaries clear between you and others. The best way to handle this transit on the dates listed above is to notice your personal space, physical and energetic, and make sure you’re not being pulled around by others or their energy. Saturn’s influence can help you become more conscious of this and help re-direct yourself to your own time-space reality and allow you to get back on track with your own path, to-do’s,, and practical matters of the week. June 19th Mercury is out of its post-retrograde shadow Mercury stopped retrograding and went direct on June 3rd and has been in its “shadow” for the past 2 weeks. On June 19th, Mercury will have reached the point it was amongst the fixed stars in the sky before retrograding on May 10th and will be out of its shadow. While Mercury was retrograding, it traced its orbital path all the way to where it was on April 30th. Therefore, this stretch of time from April 30th until June 19th was a time for reflection and re-working your inner process; this period likely saw you not feeling much ease making progress in things requiring your mental planning and action. Therefore, you may have been revisiting the same things you’ve been working on since April 30th. Now that Mercury is out of this shadow period, the direct energy lets you move on and start to feel like you can put your mind towards forwarding momentum and getting things done. June 21st Summer Solstice Sun enters Cancer Venus trines Pluto Welcome to the first day of Summer! The Summer Solstice is marked by the Sun entering Cancer as it reaches its highest point in the Northern Hemisphere, making it the longest day of light for the year. Also on this day, Venus is making a positive trine aspect to Pluto, which can add a level of desire to connect with others and enjoy social engagements. Open your heart and let the energies of the first day of Summer fill your cup! June 28th New Moon in Cancer Sun square Jupiter (until the 30th) Venus sextile Jupiter (until the 30th) The month ends with New moon energy and big Jupiter energy at the same time. The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon come together in the same sign and degree, creating a monthly reset point and energy of a new beginning. This New Moon in Cancer connects you more to your emotional and sensitive aspects of yourself. Cancer can also awaken your intuition and has you navigating your decisions through your feeling body. Therefore, allow this New Moon energy to get you in touch with how you “feel” about the things you’re doing in your life and the decisions you’re making. Notice if you are doing things that logically make sense, but your gut feelings tell you something different. This is your intuition letting you know that what seems right, might not be the right thing for you. Take some time under the New Moon and explore this inside yourself. Also, occurring on this day, and active for a couple of days we have both the Sun and Venus making aspects with Jupiter. This can create optimistic feelings throughout your day and increase the positive feelings towards other people in your life, which can certainly help support any sensitive emotions coming up around the New Moon. Alternatively, sometimes rather than adding a positive spin, Jupiter’s expansive energy can make the difficult things feel magnified, seeming even bigger than they are. Be on the lookout for that possibility. If that occurs it’s a powerful opportunity to identify and take steps to work on and clear those difficulties that appear magnified. Otherwise, if you have been having a hard time tapping into abundance lately, this is a good time to shift that energy. Jupiter opens up the possibilities and helps you witness and move your intentions towards growing more and greater positive outcomes with the efforts you’re making in your life. ![]() With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how the summer and year ahead is looking for you!
Turn! Turn! Turn!The astrological energies of June are reminding me of the wise words of Ecclesiastes as they were set so sweetly to song, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by The Byrds. We have one planet (Mercury) coming out of retrograde while another planet (Saturn) is going into retrograde. "There is a season (turn, turn, turn) ... a time to heal, a time to laugh, a time to weep, ... a time to build up and a time to breakdown, a time to dance, a time to mourn..." June 3rd ~ Mercury goes Direct June 20th ~ Mercury moves out of its shadow Mercury begins its direct motion on June 3rd after being in retrograde since May 10th. If communications have been off and/or there have been disruptions in your usual flow during the last 3 weeks, things will more than likely become more straightforward and clearer as Mercury picks up speed in direct motion in the coming days and weeks. Mercury retrograde is never the ideal time for pushing forward in life. I hope you’ve been able to take advantage of this past 3 week time period by slowing down, finishing up old projects, and reflecting on what’s been most alive in your life in the previous weeks. Keep in mind that when Mercury goes direct, its motion across the sky will progress with SLOWER movement forward in the first several days. Therefore, your mental energy, which Mercury influences, may still feel sluggish from June 3rd through the 12th. Another aspect to be aware of is that Mercury will still be “in its shadow” until June 20th, which is when it finally reaches the same location in the sky among the fixed stars that it occupied before going retrograde. This further emphasizes the need to continue to be gentle with your mental energy and your capacity to make large pushes in your life during the time leading up to June 20th. June 3rd - 13th ~ Mercury Trines Pluto As Mercury is now moving forward again, it comes into a positive trine aspect with Pluto. This opens up space for deeper conversations with others as well as provoking deeper thoughts and feelings within yourself. The trine aspect allows for ease of flow when it comes to processing the deeper thoughts that are coming through you. It’s a good time for self-exploration and processing things and situations that have been lingering under the surface, needing attention. To further explore this … take a journey back into recent times when Pluto and Mercury came into this same trine aspect with each other: April 27th - 29th, just before Mercury went retrograde, and then again on May 24th- 26th. Think back to both these time periods (look at your calendar, journal, or photos) and see if you can remember what was happening in your outer life and what was emerging in your psyche. Reflect on this and see if you can notice themes that were present in those previous periods that still require more processing. June 3rd - 13th will give you a third opportunity to open and possibly fully process these particular aspects of your life. This is a powerful time for processing through, speaking, and sharing the deeper material emerging within your psyche that wants to be known, metabolized, and integrated. June 4th ~ Saturn goes Retrograde Until Oct 24th Beginning at the same period as the trine with Pluto (above), and just as Mercury gets out of retrograde, Saturn will be going retrograde and will continue tracing its path backward in the sky for the next 4+ months. During this time your energy for structure and organization might feel a little heavier and slowed down in its expression. The summer season is an interesting time indeed for having a Saturn retrograde. It may be that some projects that need attention have to be allowed the space to be moved more slowly on or set down for now. It might be important to just let some things BE for a period. It’s possible that you feel less energy for planning summer activities and vacations than you’re used to, and that’s okay! The structures you have been creating in your life could feel like they are beginning to take longer to evolve than you’ve anticipated as you move further into June and the summer months. Home projects, life planning, job shifts, and or ways to bring in more income may all slow down. Saturn is the energy force that gets you working hard at building supportive structures in your life. Saturn's influence normally slows the energy down and allows time to focus, ground, and manifest what is important. In retrograde, however, this might feel impeded or slowed down. If starting in early June, you’re feeling this retrograde Saturn influence working on you then I recommend giving yourself the grace of how long it might take you to accomplish things. You may find there’s wisdom in enjoying some summer ease and picking up the pace Mid-Autumn when Saturn goes direct. June 10th - 13th ~ Venus Conjunct Uranus Venus and Uranus will be joining their energies on the 10th through the 13th, emphasizing creative ways to bring more beauty, fun, and social connections into your life. You may get spontaneous invites from friends or randomly bring a new piece of art home that represents your unique and creative side. This energy can also reinvigorate a relationship where one or all parties express needing more excitement if there’s a feeling of boredom with the usual habits you all have gotten into. Have some fun over these days by allowing some spontaneous, novel delights to renew you. June 12th - 17th ~ Mars Conjunct Chiron On June 12th, midway through Venus’s dance with Uranus (above), Mars joins up with the wounded healer, Chiron, for 5 days. This can open up and activate you towards wanting to heal something that might have been with you for a long time. Having Mars activate Chiron creates an opening to allow old patterns in need of healing to evolve and transform. Parts of yourself that you have wanted to heal, grow, transform, and renew are being offered a push to take a healing leap. Now is an opportune time to take action within yourself on this and shift out of old patterns. It can be a potent time to pursue healing: go on retreat, get out in Nature, journal, schedule a session with a trusted practitioner in the healing arts, and find the way that's right for you to allow something to heal. Be an ally to your soul’s growth. June 14th ~ Full Moon in Sagittarius 4:52 AM PDT June 14th’s Full Moon can be quite energetic. It’s in the fiery sign of Sagittarius and in opposition to the mentally active Gemini Sun. Full Moons can bring out more emotions, and under this Full moon, I recommend adding more movement to your day, both physically and mentally, to help release emotional layers coming up. Dance Go wild Speak your truth Write your feelings Let the energy flow and open you up Let your arrows fly: Feelings - words - passions It’s the Full Moon & Spring is about to move into Summer With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these wild and transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how the full year ahead is looking for you! |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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