Healing Conversations Circling SolsticeThe longest day of light arrives, and Summer stretches across the land. The astrology is quite active over the next few weeks, especially with bringing ease and opportunity for creating the conversations you've needed to have. It's also a supportive time to take steps towards something you want to grow in your life. 6/17/23 - 6/18/23 Mercury Sextile Venus New Moon in Gemini 9:37 PM, PDT June 17th and 18th brings New Moon energy with Mercury and Venus making a positive Sextile with each other. Mercury influences our communication, internal mental processing, intentions, and conscious focus. During this transit, Mercury's connection with Venus opens the energy for having pleasant conversations. Mercury is in Gemini, its natural rulership, and creates more emphasis on conversational engagements with others. The New Moon in Gemini adds more layers of this Mercurial mind-stimulating energy as Mercury rules Gemini. Based on the astrological energy during the week leading up to the 17th, you may have felt more restrictions around communications. If this is true for you, the 17th and 18th will be good days to open up and engage in conversations you’ve wanted to hold that have been blocked recently. This time also brings good energy to start new conversations, especially with the New Moon on the 17th. The strong energy of the Gemini New Moon not only activates your mind’s capacity for communication but also brings out the flexible multi-tasker in you. You may find yourself in various activities and tasks over the weekend with the potential to feel more scattered. If you find yourself flitting about and feeling a bit ungrounded, then I encourage you to take a moment, recalibrate and reset. Overall, it can be an enjoyable, social weekend. 6/19/23 - 6/29/23 Jupiter Sextile Saturn On June 19, Jupiter will come into a Sextile aspect with Saturn, which will last until the end of the month. Jupiter Sextile Saturn creates an opportune time for ease and stimulation towards being productive towards the things you want to expand upon in your life. Saturn allows focus and dedication; Jupiter opens the optimism and growth for more things. Sextiles stimulate each of the planet's highest qualities to open up in you. Jupiter creates a great sense of abundantly available energy with where you place your focus. Although the summer’s coming in and playful adventures are on the rise, I recommend utilizing the last two weeks of June to see what’s been in your field of focus to grow in your life and put some dedicated attention towards it. You may find your actions successfully get you to the next place. You may find real benefit comes from brainstorming sessions and taking steps towards your goals in the last weeks of June; this could prove especially helpful in your overall life plans. 6/21/23 Summer Solstice - Sun in Cancer Mercury Sextile Mars Mercury Sextile Chiron The Summer Solstice is on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer. This year’s longest day of light is accompanied by Mercury making a Sextile with Mars and Chiron. This could be a day for supportive communication and healing conversations. You may find yourself saying or hearing the things that move things forward around current situations in your life. Mars urges us to act toward what we want to be doing. When Mercury stimulates Mars, it can bring ease in communicating directly and powerfully. Chiron physically orbits in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and astrologically, it influences the energy of the wounded healer. When stimulated by Mercury, conversations open up to repair what needs mending between you and another. 6/24/23 - 6/28/23 Mars Square Uranus During the 24th - 28th, Mars makes a square with Uranus, which can open you up to more impulsive actions throughout your day. Square aspects from planets create internal impulses to respond to circumstances in a certain way that can seem like they are coming from the unconscious. You may feel sudden urges to go in a different direction or do something you weren’t planning on doing without much thought. These quick decisions, although impulsive, can create big feelings of freedom when you follow them. While Mars and Uranus are in a square during the 24th - 28th, and you notice yourself in a tight situation that feels too restrictive to your being, you may end up wanting to just quickly break out of it. However… Be aware of this energy. Moving too quickly is often how accidents happen. There’s a higher probability of being accident-prone during this Mars/Uranus transit. During the 24th - 28th, notice any sudden urges to make a movement emerging from within, pause and bring to consciousness any patterns around doing rash and impulsive things just to break free. Slow down and proceed with more awareness of your next best steps, and all the while, be open to freeing yourself from the restrictive circumstances you are finding yourself in. Listen to your inner promptings and be embodied! 6/29/23 - 6/30/23 Venus Trine Chiron Mercury Trine Saturn The month ends with Venus making a positive Trine with Chiron on the 29th and 30th, which opens you up to flowing with opportunities for healing in your relationships. Venus’s energy influences our sense of feeling ease and lovingness in relationships, and Chiron points to what needs healing. In addition to the Venus/Chiron transit, Mercury will be Trining Saturn, creating opportunities for getting grounded in real conversations that can add to the healing layers. Mercury influences our communication pathways and mental processes, while Saturn lets us see what’s practical and realistic. When Saturn influences the mind, you can clear through what’s not so important to focus on what needs restructuring in your life so you can align more with who you are and your purpose. Saturn Trine to Mercury easily offers focus and concentration. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns Please get in touch to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading with Laura to help you navigate your life!
Singin' a New Tune in JuneJune has arrived. The glories of Summer's beginnings are emerging. Mercury is now out of its shadow from the retrograde motion of last month; the road ahead starts to appear more clearly. Over the next few weeks, astrology points to opportunities for opening more into creative expression through communication, intimacy, art, and other visionary, manifesting endeavors. 6/1/23 - 6/4/23 Venus Trine Neptune During June 1st - 4th, Venus Trines Neptune and opens the flow for your artistic expression, allowing you to channel more strongly into imaginative realms of creation. It’s an excellent time to explore what more is possible, especially in the creative aspects of marketing and business. Have you been in a lull and hoping to get into the right emotional and energetic space to delve into a creative project? If so, give yourself some dedicated time on the first days of June, tune in . . . you are more likely to have access to channeling visions of inspirational beauty during these days. Venus Trine Neptune is also helpful with creating beauty in your home - adding a new splash of color or redesigning a sacred space. It’s good energy to be coupled with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 3rd. Full Moons open up our emotional bodies, from which much creativity can derive. Sagittarian energy opens up the explorer in you, expanding your horizons and discovering new things. Venus also influences our intimate relationships. When in Trine with Neptune, it can open you to more idealistic romantic places regarding the close people in your life. If, during the 1st - 4th, you’re meeting someone of interest for the first time or still in the beginning stages of getting to know them, this planetary configuration can intensify your lens of seeing the other through “rose-colored glasses”. It can be joyful to experience someone in all the goodness you may be interacting with, falling in love with all the positive aspects. And it can also create a presence of overlooking other, less-desired parts. If you find yourself exploring a potential new relationship the first week of June and getting excited about the possibilities, then I recommend slowing your roll and giving it more time and space before making any decisions. 5/4/23 - 5/6/23 Mercury Conjunct Uranus Mercury, the messenger, is joining its energy with Uranus in Taurus on the 4th - 6th, strengthening your communications around personal expression. Mercury influences our thought processes and communications, while Uranus influences our sense of needing to respond from an open, free, and expressive place. With Uranus, there’s no holding back, and it feels liberating. Uranus’s energy can urge you to break free from people, places, and situations holding you back. If there’s a conversation in the works with someone where it’s essential to express yourself, then the 4th-6th would be good days to choose to have it. Another thing to note is that there can be sudden changes when Uranus is involved. With this notion, you may unexpectantly communicate in a way that allows you to break from a situation you have been stuck in. On another note, someone who you haven't spoken with in a while could suddenly contact you out of the blue. 6/5/23 - 6/7/23 Venus opposes Pluto Working through relationship issues may come into focus on the 5th through the 7th when Venus makes an opposition to Pluto. Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, influences the death and birth process of letting go of the old and birthing new things - anywhere from our inner psychology to our life circumstances. When we clear out what is no longer working for us, it opens the pathway to take things to a new level. Pluto’s energy activates us to get below the superficial layers and open up to what’s lying under the surface. The shadows get highlighted to see what needs to shift, and the unconscious comes to the conscious. Venus influences our relationships, and when it comes into opposition with Pluto, 5th - 7th, you may be confronted with seeing what needs to be let go to transform your relationship towards better ways of being with each other. Things could become intense these days, and I recommend allowing whatever comes up as an opportunity for transformation and growth versus staying in the conflict. When planets oppose each other, a mirror is held up, and you can see yourself more clearly; the challenge is not to fight or reject what you see but allow for more personal integration from a place of awareness. 6/11/23 - 6/14/23 Mercury Trine Pluto Venus Square Jupiter Mercury makes a positive and flowing Trine with Pluto on the 11th, which may add power and strength to your communication voice. If you’re scheduling an important meeting, presentation, or interview, it would be a supportive day to choose if you want to exude more power in your voice. In Addition, Venus makes a square with Jupiter on the 11th, which will be active through the 14th. Venus and Jupiter bring good luck and good things, even in a challenging square aspect. It can be easier to see difficult situations through a positive lens. Venus square Jupiter can also open up energy towards overindulging in sensual pleasures, food, and spending. Notice your activities during the 11th - 14th and if any choices you’re making are being met with overlooking the balance of what’s appropriate for you. For example, you may buy that expensive thing thinking - I can afford this, even though it may be out of your means, but you’re too overly optimistic to see it. This same level of awareness can be applied to anything you’re making decisions about. If you’re noticing you're caught up in a big wave of optimism, I recommend waiting until after the 14th to see what’s still right and real for you. 6/15/23 - 6/17/23 Mercury Square Saturn During June 15th - 17th, Mercury makes a Square aspect with Saturn, which can bring in challenges around communication. Your ability to express or convey a message may feel more restrictive. And, in opposition to what I mentioned in the Mercury Trine Pluto section above, there are better days than the 15th-17th to choose a meeting, presentation, or interview as you might feel more fear than ease and flow while Mercury is in Square aspect to Saturn. Saturn activates a need for more caution, whether warranted or not, to ensure you are on the right path. It can also urge change by restructuring whatever it is influencing. Squares between planets can be complex as one planet's impulse blocks the other's impulse. In this case, between Saturn and Mercury, Saturn’s constrictive energy makes it difficult for Mercury's communicating power to express itself freely. You may spend more time feeling blocked by overthinking what you want to say. Overall, you might feel more mental restriction during the 15th - 17th, and I suggest planning accordingly if you have essential communications, creative writing, or tasks that require your mental attention. ~ With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your astrology birth chart and life situations. Astrology readings with Laura can help you: ~ Align with your unique talents and opportunities ~ Move through life's challenges more intentionally ~ Gain a new awareness of major life changes ~ Know when is the best time to take action ~ Find clarity on self-limiting patterns Please get in touch to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading with Laura to help you navigate your life! |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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