As Venus and Pluto continue traveling together in conjunction throughout December, Venus begins a retrograde cycle mid-month on the same day as the Full Moon in Cancer. This dynamic calls you to continue doing the inner work of recognizing that whatever dwells in your heartfield (Venus), and maybe unexpressed or buried in your Underworld (Pluto), needs to find an authentic way for allowing your light of loving awareness to shine through. This month, the things that surface, might at first, seem too emotionally weighty or dark to bring to the light, but that’s exactly what’s possible. The Venus and Pluto proximity is supported this month by the darkest season giving way to the waxing of the light on Winter Solstice. ~Let’s look more deeply at the forecast~ Full Moon in Cancer December 19th Each Full Moon occurs in a progression through the 12 signs of the zodiac; each with a unique quality. Every 12 moons, the Cancer Full Moon brings a special opportunity for emotional healing and reckoning. Each Cancer Full Moon occurs with a unique signature from the ever-changing positions of all the planets . . . bringing the wonder of astrology into play. The Moon’s energy, in general, relates to your emotional and nurturing side. The sign the Moon is in can offer insight about how you may be inclined to respond when you’re emotionally activated, and it also relates to the tone and qualities of how you need to be nurtured and/or to nurture others. On December 19th, the Full Moon will be in its natural rulership of Cancer and, tears or no tears, you may find yourself more emotional and noticing your feelings are having an easier time flowing out of you. This Full Moon in Cancer can also find you feeling more sensitive around a need to be nurtured. If you’re feeling a lack of emotional nurturance, this can stir up more sensitive feelings. Take care of your emotional body under this Cancer Moon. Do your best to be present with anything that comes up for you. Feel your feels. As humans, we need to allow our emotions to move through our bodies. If you push emotions away or stuff them down over a longer period of time, they can eventually manifest as physical health issues. The Full Moon in Cancer can bring you an opportunity to take care of your emotional body. Meditate with the Moon, light a candle, move and open your body, gather with your special friends, gather with yourself, dance in the moonlight. When the Moon is fully illuminated, it is reflecting the most sunlight of its monthly round. During this time, your emotional body may shine forth more clearly the truth of what is going on inside of you, even subconsciously. It is commonly known that Full moons can bring out all sorts of energy, which is why hospital workers, for example, can attest to a “wilder ER” when the Moon is full in terms of the energy of the people coming in seeking care. I’ve definitely observed this phenomenon in my 18 year run of working as an RN in the hospital. If you find yourself in a state of emotional openness and vulnerability, allow this time to witness the roots of your feelings. Keep looking into your own sweet and complex brew of moonlit emotions and let the Full moonlight keep moving through you until you can shine back more self-love and compassion. Tomorrow you can wake up by the clear light of day and see if your lunacy brings real value or wisdom. Winter Solstice December 21, 2021 This is the longest night and shortest day of the year. It is the turning point in the year when darkness has reached its maximum and the light begins to grow again. Although this is one day, the spirit of Winter Solstice is present throughout the December holiday season, as you welcome the return of the light during the darkest days of the year. There is a special energy of connection and renewal available throughout this season where you can bring in so much light into your spirit at this festive time. Winter Solstice falls on a particular day of the year, usually December 21st. On this day, there is a specific time when the sun reaches the Solstice Point in the sky at 0° Capricorn. This is when astrologers say, "The Sun enters Capricorn”. It’s worth noticing the true moment of Solstice can occur at any time of day. This year, if you’re in the West Coast time zone (PST), Solstice will occur right at sunrise (7:59 AM) with the Sun entering Capricorn right on the eastern horizon at dawn. In astrology, we call this point on the eastern horizon, the Ascendant, or Rising Sign. A Sunrise Solstice feels note-worthy as we are pivoting towards the growing light. A Sunrise Solstice brings a unique signature of personal renewal. As the growing light of the year aligns with the Rising Sign, you are encouraged by the powers that be to amplify your personal inner sunrise. “This little light of mine ~ I’m gonna let it shine.” Let it Shine! Moon in Cancer Opposing Pluto in Capricorn December 21st The Winter Solstice occurring on December 21st also aligns with a waning Cancer Moon opposing Pluto in Capricorn, allowing for strong feelings to emerge. This can be empowering if you are able to connect with your deepest emotional truths. If there’s underlying emotional energy that needs to come to light… this is a time to tune in and create an open pathway of integration. Pluto can help us transform and heal what comes up so we can approach life from a more present time-space reality. Carve out some personal time on the 21st, during the Winter Solstice, and see what’s wanting to emerge amidst the growing light. Light a candle…create a ritual…build a bonfire…dance alone …gather with your friends and loved ones. Connect! Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn Dec 4-31st - Strongest on 11th - 14th and 25th - 26th I wrote a big section on this in my previous blog from Dec. 1-15th. Click below to re-cap here to learn about Venus joining up with Pluto, which is ongoing all month long and will be coming in strong again on December 25th and 26th! Venus Retrograde December 19th - Jan 28th ![]() Every 18 months, Venus - the planet of love - relationships - and money, goes retrograde for a little more than a month. Just like any planet in retrograde, the outward expression of the planet is harder to access in a smooth way. With Venus, it signifies a time to bring caution in starting new relationships or making big moves with spending money during this retrograde period. The wind in the sails of Venus is at a low ebb. It’s a good time to love yourself and your present situation and not try to make bold moves in the realms of love and money. It’s interesting timing for this retrograde in the latter half of December, as this is a big month where there’s more spending, gift-giving, and gatherings. The holidays can also be a trigger time relating to the things that aren’t feeling connected in your life in love and family. This can stir up emotions more dramatically this season as Venus is also merging its energies with Pluto all month. If emotions are stirred, then it’s a time to reevaluate the recent experiences of your Heart-field and metabolize the lessons you have been called to learn. It can be a time for going deep, feeling the feels in order to heal past emotional hurts, and re-emerge out into wholeness within yourself. Likewise with finances, with retrograde Venus, it’s a good time to pause, and not spend more than you really want to in some blissful spree of euphoric holiday extravagance. As with retrogrades, the energies are not as clear and there may be financial regrets later, when Venus gets out of retrograde, after January 28th. Saturn Square Uranus December 2nd - 31st Strongest on 24th through 29th This is the 3rd and last time this year for this square to happen, and this 3rd occurrence may finally bring resolution to some things that have been trying to shift throughout this year, personally and collectively. Recall, what were the big processes, life changes, or transformations that began for you back in February of 2021. You might even go over your calendar or photo library to remind you. The energies that were initiated, and on the move, at that time are finally going to come to a place of feeling mostly complete. The new things that have been on the horizon all year are finally here. I do see ahead into the fall of 2022 that there will be one more occurrence of this square between Saturn and Uranus. Therefore, whatever does feel like you came into completion by the end of this month, will have one more go-around of getting even more complete next Fall. Saturn and Uranus are slow moving planets. Saturn brings structure and stability, Uranus brings change and evolution. These two at a square bring a tension between these forces, slowly over months and seasons, pushing us to evolve and develop new stable structures. These long planetary transits are catalysts for collective transformation of humanity and individual personal growth . Think about a process in your life that’s taken many months to unfold and see how it finally seems to be moving towards clarity or resolution. This is likely following the rhythms of this Uranian/Saturn Square cycle. To get more insight on the Saturn/Uranus square, click on the links below to read my previous blogs, from both February and June of 2021 as this square first happened in February, and then again in June. This last square of the year happening this month brings a year-long process to a new place. Be with the energies of December’s promise of renewal - so much transformation is possible! Let the Cancer Full Moon’s emotional opening and the dynamic tension between Venus and Pluto allow your feelings to unfold in truth. Let the Winter solstice renew you! ![]() Northwest Astrologer is here for you! With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based upon your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these uncertain times. ~ SCHEDULE A HOLIDAY READING! ~ HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE!
![]() This December there’s powerful dynamic energy going on as Venus aligns with Pluto forming a conjunction. Your Inner Goddess of Love (Venus), and the Inner Sovereign of your Underworld (Pluto) have to get right with each other. When the pure light of Love shines, anything in your heart-field that is other than pure love . . . casts a shadow. This December calls you to do the inner work of recognizing whatever dwells in your heart-field and is unexpressed, or buried in your Underworld . . . and to find an authentic way to let your light of loving awareness shine through the very things that seem too weighty and dark to bring to light. New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse Dec 4th December also starts off with a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius occurring on December 4th. An eclipse of the sun occurs on New Moons when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and covers the Sun’s disk from our point of view (sometimes totally, other times partially). New Moons alone are like a reboot for our internal life force and life processes. Adding in the eclipse, gives more energy and power to this New Moon cycle. We can never really predict what will happen for you when an eclipse occurs, however, looking at where this eclipse is occurring in your birth astrology chart can give you more information and what house and area of your life the eclipse might have its effects. Sometimes it brings clarity for New Beginnings and or other times it can force the energy of a necessary ending. The energy of the eclipse may not necessarily happen all in a moment on the day. This December's New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse is occurring at 12 degrees Sagittarius. I recommend taking some personal time on Dec 3 and 4th with this Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse and reflect on where you’ve been in the last month (since the last new moon). Notice what’s transforming into new beginnings for you, what new truths (Sagittarius) are coming in for yourself? What needs to shift for you to come more fully in alignment with this? This eclipse will be visible over Antarctica; the effects are global. The time of the Eclipse begins on Dec 3rd at 9:29 PM PST with maximum coverage at 11:33 PM PST and ends on Dec 4th at 1:37 AM PST. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn Dec 4-31st Strongest on 11th - 14th When Pluto and Venus come together, through most of December and beginning with the Solar Eclipse on the 4th, relationships may intensify with an opportunity to transform them to new levels. If there’s healing that needs to happen or a possible inevitable ending - December may bring this energy to light. Venus influences the aspects of life that have to do with relationships and love, a sense of beauty and aesthetics, and the flow of resources and money. There’s a welcoming softness to Venus energy that brings forth feelings of warmth and connection with others. Pluto’s presence intensifies energy and offers deep levels of transformation to whatever aspects of our lives it touches. If there are unresolved situations from the past or something buried in your subconscious, Pluto has a powerful and insistent way of bringing those things up to the surface to be looked at and dealt with. These hidden things in your psyche may be difficult to see, which can account for why Pluto’s energy can also feel dramatic and intense, but ultimately... Pluto’s challenges can help you come into a new refreshed place once you’ve made your way through it. The important piece for this process is that these things have an opportunity to be worked through, healed, and transformed so they can no longer have an unconscious hold over you. Venus + Pluto may also get you focused on finances. If there’s anything you need to get real with, this is a good month to bring unconscious patterns around money habits to light. Look out for December 11-14th and 25th-26th, when Pluto and Venus will have their strongest point of joining up together this month. ![]() Northwest Astrologer is here for you! With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based upon your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these uncertain times. ~ SCHEDULE A HOLIDAY READING! ~ GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE! |
AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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