Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and More ... May 15th Total Lunar eclipse 9:11 pm PDT Full Moon 9:14 pm Sun square Saturn Sun sextile Neptune On May 15th, we have a number of things happening, including a Full Moon in Scorpio that will be totally eclipsed at 9:11 PM PDT. Full Moons tend to open us up more emotionally and having it in the watery sign of Scorpio can add more flavors of intensity and depth to the recipe. Scorpio is passionate; this full moon offers a deep opportunity to explore sensuality, sexuality and passion with a romantic partner. The Scorpio full moon comes at the height of springtime every year, if your love life is aligned it's a wonderful time to let passion grow and go wild. I find that Scorpio's energy can also put you more in touch with passions that bring feelings of anger, and or frustration and irritability around situations that you may have been brushing off. If you find this to be opening up for you on this day, then I recommend noticing how anger is a healthy emotion that can guide you towards taking action on something that needs your attention. Anger can get you to rise up and do something about what’s not feeling right. Scorpio connects in with the "rise up and take action" energy motivated by anger as it is is traditionally ruled by action oriented Mars, whom is also known as the God of War in mythology. It's common be afraid of one's own anger as it can become destructive when it moves a person to lash out and be hurtful to others, which, of course, is not what I am suggesting here. Healthy anger, however, is a powerful signal to take action and correct what’s not feeling right. If ignored, the anger can get turned inward and show up as low energy and depression. Consciously expressed anger helps us show up and take care of ourselves, but when it’s suppressed, we can end up emotionally collapsing and unable to tend to our needs. Therefore, it’s good to feel anger and let it move you to self-responsibility and awareness of unmet needs or crossed boundaries. This Scorpio full moon is a powerful time to work with this terrain. As mentioned, this Full Moon in Scorpio comes with a Total Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses can also be associated with an emotional opening or new awareness around something that is in need of letting go. This may not happen on the day of the eclipse but can set the energy in motion that can show up in 2 weeks to 2 months down the road. Also on May 15th, we have the Sun making a hard Square aspect with Saturn, possibly adding a bit of downer energy to what can already be an emotional day with the Full Moon. However, the Sun is making a positive Sextile aspect with Neptune at the same time, opening up your intuition and psychic senses. This Sun/Neptune energy can also get you in touch with the bigger perspective of your Soul's journey here on Earth, allowing for some ease around hard emotional things that may show up on this day. On May 15th, I recommend making a plan to spend a part of the day with some nourishing, soul-connecting company and or creating an intentional emotional-releasing space to let go of the known karma that no longer serves you. May 17th - 22nd ~ Mars conjunction Neptune It may be hard to fully access your personal drive and willpower at this time. You may desire to do something constructive, but as you get into your day, you may end up in a different flow than what you intended. Therefore, from May 17th - 22nd, I recommend giving yourself grace around how your being wants to flow through these days. You may not be as productive as you hoped to be, but you will also find that your soul is being nourished by what you do end up doing. Amongst all the necessary work, family, and home life needs, allow yourself to just be in the flow during this time, as much as possible. If there are mission-critical tasks that occur on these days, take care to allow yourself some extra time and bandwidth to accomplish those goals. May 22nd - 24th ~ Mars Sextile Pluto Your energy and productivity capacities will start to pick up the pace again and may have you “going the distance” at this time. Therefore, if you feel like you start the week of the 16th off with lower energy, then I recommend letting it be what it is knowing things will pick back up again on the 22nd through the 24th. Mars/Pluto energy can also powerfully activate your stirrings from your egoic drives. It’s helpful to be attentive during this time, to make sure you’re overly activated ego isn’t running the whole show. May 24th - 26th ~ Venus sextile Saturn This time offers an opportunity to have more balance in your relationships. This energy can bring in feeling the steadiness of the partnership you’re in as well as coming up with practical solutions to things you’ve been trying to work out together. If you’re not in a relationship and would like to be in one, these couple of days are a good time to tune in and get more serious about how to manifest this in your life. What steps do you need to take to make this happen? The heart’s emotional field is being offered supportive structure from Saturn’s influence. May 26th - 29th ~ Venus square Neptune This can potentially open up more confusion around uncertain relationships you have in your life. The best way to work with this is to make sure you acknowledge the realities of the situation you’re in or the person you’re in a relationship with and make sure you’re not showing up with rose-colored glasses or only seeing the good things while avoiding the difficult aspects that need attention. May 29th - 31st ~ Mars conjunct Jupiter The month ends with positive and stimulating energy that wants to expand the world you live in. Jupiter and Mars both join together in Aries, opening up an abundance of “lighting a fire under your …” (you know what) and motivating you to take action. Please keep in mind that Mercury will still be in retrograde, so try not to let too much optimism blind you from making appropriate decisions for yourself at this time. It’s great to feel the positivity while still walking the middle line in order to maintain a sense of balance. It’s possible that Jupiter can overstimulate Mars to get your Will moving too much, if that happens find a good channel like exercise, dance, or other playful activity to move the energy. These last days of the month are great for allowing inspiration and movement towards summer! With astrology, the most helpful advice is always individual and personalized based on your personal astrology birth chart and life situations. Contact me to learn more about scheduling an astrology reading to help you navigate your life in these wild and transformative times. Book an astrology reading and find out how the Spring and the year ahead are looking for you!
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AuthorLaura Allmacher RN, LAc, has been practicing in the field of medicine for over 20 years, dedicating most of this time to the healing arts and natural medicine. Along with a current acupuncture and Chinese medicine practice, Laura also provides professional astrology readings as a form of a guide to help bring timing, meaning and perspective to deeper life patterns and situations so one can make the most out of their incarnation. Archives
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